










2006–2011 经济学博士,荷兰乌特勒支大学(Utrecht University)

2005–2006 国际经济与商务硕士,荷兰乌特勒支大学(Utrecht University)

2001–2005 国际经济与贸易学士,南开大学


2022至今 教授,西安交通大学金禾经济研究中心

2017–2021 副教授,西安交通大学金禾经济研究中心

2011–2016 助理教授,西安交通大学金禾经济研究中心

2008–2010 初级讲师,荷兰乌特勒支大学



New institutional economics(研究生)


(1) 2019–2022,“人工智能对我国劳动密集型产业出口转型升级的影响研究”,国家社会科学基金项目(19BJL116),经费20万元,项目负责人,在研。

(2) 2013–2019,“产业升级背景下制度质量对我国利用外资优势和效益的影响研究”,国家社会科学基金项目(项目号13XJY001),经费18万元,项目负责人,已结项。


(1) Ting Wang, Yi Zhang, Chun Liu and Zhongliang Zhou. 2022. Artificial intelligence against the first wave of COVID-19: evidence from China. BMC Health Services Research, 22: 767. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12913-022-08146-4. (SSCI)

(2) Yi Zhang and Chun Liu. 2021. Religion and unproductive entrepreneurship: The role of risk aversion. European Journal of Political Economy, 70, 102038. (SSCI),https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejpoleco.2021.

(3) Chun Liu and Yi Zhang. 2021. Religiosity and political connections of private firms in China. Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 57(2): 541-561. (SSCI).

(4) Yi Zhang, Chun Liu and Ting Wang. 2020. Direct or indirect? The impact of political connections on export mode of Chinese private enterprises. China Economic Review, 61, 101434. (SSCI).

(5) Yi Zhang and Hein Roelfsema. 2020. Entrepreneurial ecosystems, new business formation, and scale-up activity: Evidence from 286 Chinese cities. Entrepreneurship Research Journal. (SSCI).

(6) Yi Zhang. 2019. Institutions, firm characteristics, and FDI spillovers. Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 55(5): 1109-1136. (SSCI).

(7) Yi Zhang, Zhongliang Zhou, and Yafei Si. 2019. When more is less: What explains the overuse of health care services in China? Social Science & Medicine, 232: 17-24. (SSCI).

(8) Yi Zhang, Qianqian Shang, and Chun Liu, 2018. FDI spillovers on corporate social responsibility: the channel of labor mobility. Sustainability, 10, 4265. (SSCI).

(9) Yi Zhang, Zhongliang Zhou, and Yafei Si, 2017. The role of parental health care utilization in children's unnecessary utilization in China: evidence from Shaanxi province. International Journal for Equity in Health, 16:47. (SSCI).

(10) Yi Zhang and Hein Roelfsema, 2014. Globalization, foreign direct investment, and regional innovation in China.Journal of International Commerce, Economics and Policy,05(3). (Econlit).

(11) Yi Zhang and Hein Roelfsema, 2014. Unraveling the complex motivations behind China's outward FDI. Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy, 19(1): 89-100. (SSCI).

(12) Yi Zhang and Hein Roelfsema, 2013. Dual and common agency issues in international joint ventures: Evidence from China. Singapore Economic Review, 58(3): 1-25. (SSCI).

(13) Hein Roelfsema and Yi Zhang, 2012. The causal effect of institutional quality on outsourcing. Journal of International Trade & Economic Development, 21(6): 895-920. (SSCI).

(14) Martijn Boermans, Hein Roelfsema, and Yi Zhang, 2011. Regional determinants of FDI in China: A factor-based approach. Journal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies, 9(1):23-42. (Econlit).

(15) 张一,柳春,李之昂。制度距离如何影响FDI进入模式选择——来自工业企业的证据。国际经贸探索,2019, 35(8): 67-83。(CSSCI)。人大《复印报刊资料》,全文转载,2020.2: 72-84.

(16) 柳春,张一,姚炜。金融发展、地方政府帮助和私营企业银行贷款。经济学(季刊),2020,20(1): 107-130。(CSSCI)。


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