
The Exams for international students of 2020 Spring

来源: 浏览次数: 发布时间:2020-05-29

  Course Name Time  Classroom Note
1 Re-exam for Analytic
Method of Economics
June 6th Saturday
2 Re-exam for Intermediate Macroeconomics June 9th Tuesday
2:30-5:00 pm
3 Re-exam for Econometrics online-exam on 15 June (Mon) from 10 am for 2 hours  submission to the iSpace web  
4 Re-exam for Intermediate Microeconomics June 29th, Monday
2:30-4:30 pm 
5 Re-exam for Advanced Microeconomics July 24th Friday Online  
6 Re-exam for Time series  the teacher will announce on ispace, pay attention to the wechat notice    
1 Final for Corporate Finance May 31st
2 Final for International Trade June 5th
5-4106 students who are not in Xi'an should attend the online exam, abey the rules and guidence of the teacher
3 Final for Panel Data Analysis take-home-exam on 13 June (Sat) from 10 am for 2 hours  submission to the iSpace web  
4 Final for Advance Microeconomics II The teacher announced on ispace    
5 Final for Industrial Economics June 24th Wednesday
2:30-4:30 pm
5-5043 students who are not in Xi'an should attend the online exam, abey the rules and guidence of the teacher
6 Final for Advanced Macroeconomics July 15th Wednesday Online  


地址:西安市咸宁西路28号西安交通大学文管大楼 邮编:710049 联系电话:82667879