时间 |
事宜 |
报告人 |
2:30-3:30 |
学术讲座一 (讲座信息见下文) |
曹杰 |
3:30-4:30 |
学术讲座二(讲座信息见下文) |
金涌 |
4:30-5:15 |
香港中文大学金融学项目简介并与学生互动 |
曹杰 |
5:15-6:00 |
访问教授与金禾中心教师座谈 |
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How Do ETFs Affect Asset Management Industry? Evidence from Mutual FundFlows
个人简介:曹杰博士是香港中文大学金融系副教授并获终身教职。他于2009年获得美国德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校金融学博士,1998年以安徽省文科第一名进入北京大学并于2002年获得经济学学士。他的研究领域为实证资产定价,行为金融学,和金融衍生品等。目前的研究集中在股票和个股期权的量化交易策略。他的研究成果见诸于Journal of Financial Economics, Journal of Financial andQuantitative Analysis, Journal of Banking and Finance等世界顶尖金融期刊。
论文摘要:We examine the impact of non-market tracking ETFs on how investors evaluatemutual fund performance. We rely on mutual fund flow sensitivity to alphas fromdifferent factor models to measure investors’ behavior. Our empirical resultsshow that when the non-market tracking ETFs are actively traded, fund flowsensitivity to alphas from three-factor, four-factor, and seven-factor modelsincreases. The dominance of CAPM alpha weakens and even disappears during thehigh trading volume period of the non-market tracking ETFs. The results arerobust to different measures and different empirical methods. Our documentedevidence is driven by funds with high exposure to non-market risk factors (SMBand HML) and funds with more sophisticated investors.
Does the Introduction of One Derivative Affect Another Derivative? TheEffect of Credit Default Swaps Trading on Equity Options
个人简介:金涌博士现任香港理工大学金融学助理教授。他于2016年获得佛罗里达大学金融学博士及计量金融博士学位,并且持有香港中文大学风险管理(荣誉)学士及哲学硕士学位。加入香港理工大学之前,曾任摩根士丹利(纽约)策略模型部量化经理,工银国际投行部分析员等。他的研究领域为实证资产定价,金融衍生品,以及金融科技跨学科研究,并发表文章于Risk Magazine, Decision Support Systems, Journal of Risk等杂志。
金涌教授在多个国际会议及机构获奖,包括摩根士丹利市场研究优异奖(Prize for Excellence in Financial Markets),及获得包括加拿大IFSID拨付的研究基金在内的多项研究资金支持。他曾任教于佛罗里达大学,并且获得佛罗里达大学惠灵顿商学院最佳博士生教学奖。
论文摘要:There are numerous derivatives, often on the sameunderlying firms, in the financial markets. However, little is known about the interactions between different typesof derivatives. In this paper, we show that the inception of creditderivatives, represented by credit default swaps (CDS), makes the equityoptions on the same underlying firm more expensive. The expensiveness of optiondue to CDS trading is not completely driven by the increased riskiness of thefirm because the delta-hedged equity option returns, which account forunderlying stock price movement, are lower. The effect of CDS trading is morepronounced for call options than put options. The evidence is consistent withthe view that CDS trading crowds out option trading, option dealers chargehigher option premiums due to limited intermediation capacity.