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2016-05-18     (点击: )



题目:Introduction to Game Theory

嘉宾:Mamoru Kaneko, Waseda University(早稻田大学经济学系 金子守教授)


Abstract: I will give a picture of the entire game theory initiated by von Neumann-Morgenstern (1944) from expected utility theory, extensive game, normalized form game, and n-person cooperative games. In particular, I will explain the expected utility theory in more details: I will discuss what the main results are and what are criticized.


【1】John von Neumann and Oskar Morgenstern (1944), Theory of Games and Economic Behavior, Princeton University Press, Princeton.

【2】Mamoru Kaneko, (2005), Game Theory and Mutual Misunderstanding, Springer, Heidelberg. (中国語訳 金子守 (2010) 博弈理論與魔芋對話 出版社 浙江大學出版社ISBN: 9787308079464).

活动二:Seminar with our faculty and some doctoral students



TitleEU Theory with Bounded Probability Nets

Abstract:This paper develops an extension of expected utility theory. We introduce various new structures into the theory, which allow us to impose restrictions on them; e.g., probabilities are restricted having only decimal (or binary) expansion of finite depths, the preference relation in question may be incomplete. The basic idea for our extension is separation between measurement of utility for pure alternatives and extensions to lotteries involving risks such as plans for future events.  These are formulated separated in an axiomatic manner: The measurement step is formulated by the first three axioms; and the extension step is formulated by the last axiom. Our theory coincides with the classical EU theory when no depth restrictions are given on permissible probabilities, but extension stops at some depths when depth restrictions are given. The latter case is our main concern. Our theory is in affinity with "bounded rationality", more precisely, satisficing and aspiration due to Simon. We exemplify one example due to Kahneman-Tversky in our theory.

Key words: Expected Utility, Bonded Rationality, Measurement of Utility, Bounded Probability Nets, Mathematical Induction





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