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金禾经济讲坛——Wolfgang leininger教授讲座通知
2017-09-15     (点击: )

  主讲人:Wolfgang leininger 教授

  题目:Optimal Favoritism in All-Pay Auctions and Lottery Contests





We analyze the revenue-enhancing potential of favoring specific contestants in complete information all-pay auctions and lottery contests with several heterogeneous contestants.

Two instruments of favoritism are considered: Head starts that are added to the bids of specific contestants and multiplicative biases that give idiosyncratic weights to the bids. In the all-pay auction, head starts are more effective than biases while optimally combining both instruments even yields first-best revenue. In the lottery contest, head starts are less effective than biases and combining both instruments cannot further increase revenue. As all-pay auctions revenue-dominate lottery contests under optimal biases, we thus obtain an unambiguous revenue-ranking of all six combinations of contest formats and instruments.


    报告人简介: Leininger教授是德国经济学界著名的教授,学术成果非常丰富,获得过多项经济学国际著名奖项和奖章。






版权所有:西安交通大学金禾经济研究中心 设计制作:西安交通大学网络信息中心

地址:西安市咸宁西路28号西安交通大学文管大楼 邮编:710049 联系电话:82667879