【Lecture】Risk-Taking Incentives under High-Water Marks Revisited, One Quarter at a Time
【Speaker】C. Wei Li, Assistant Professor of Finance, Tippie College of Business, University of Iowa
【Abstract】We theoretically analyze a portfolio manager's risk-taking incentive when facing a high-water mark contract. In the model, the manager can adjust the portfolio allocation at a high frequency, while the manager's contract payments are settled and the high-water marks are potentially adjusted at a much lower frequency, say at the end of each quarter. For comparison, the setting allows for analysis of an option-like contract without the high-water mark feature. We show that the patterns of the manager’s optimization solution in this setting are richer than that in a continuous-time setting commonly used in the literature. In particular, there are two regions of parameters. While in one region with extreme parameter values the main results in Panageas and Westerfield (2009) hold, in the other region where the parameters are moderate and more reasonable, the manager’s utility increases with the high-water mark fee, and decreases with the level of high-water mark, in contrast to the main findings in Panageas and Westerfield.