

来源: 浏览次数: 发布时间:2017-03-20








简介:杨小军,西安交通大学公共政策与管理学院,副教授,经济学博士。2013年毕业于瑞典哥德堡大学商学院,2014-2016年北京大学国家发展研究院从事博士后研究工作,20169月加入西安交通大学。主要研究领域:实验经济学、微观发展经济学、环境经济学。先后分别主持国际和国内研究项目2项。在国际SSCI期刊Journal of Economic Psychology Environment and Development EconomicsChina Agricultural Economic Review 发表学术论文3篇,并在国内核心期刊发表论文数篇。




题目:Institutional choices and contribution in public goods game: Evidence from a laboratory experiment with Chinese farmers


摘要:We examine institutional choices and contribution in public goods game with a laboratory experiment in the field. With a subject pool of randomly selected 312 male farmers from rural areas of western China, we conducted a standard public goods game and a public goods game with an exogenously imposed reward or punishment institution. We further elicited subjects’ social preferences via three dictator games and their preferred choice of the two institutions. We find no evidence of exogenously imposed institutions significantly affecting Chinese farmers’ contributions in the public goods game, but we find a strong correlation between the choices for the institutions and the contributions in PGGs. Specifically, those who choose the punishment institution contribute significantly less than those who choose the reward institution. Finally, preferences for the punishment institution are related to certain anti-social preferences.




(备注:要求博二、三年级,硕士第二、三学期参加,不少于2/3 次)。


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