

来源: 浏览次数:658 发布时间:2016-11-03


时间:11月8日 (周二)下午 4:15


主讲人:Chew Soo Hong

简介:Chew Soo Hong,新加坡国立大学经济系讲座教授,毕业于加拿大英属哥伦比亚大学

题目:Neurogenetics of decision making under risk


Abstract  There are two tenets in the behavioral approach to modeling decision making under risk: (i) loss-gain differentiation in risk attitude, and (ii) affect-induced weighting of likelihood. Relating to (i), Zhong et al (2009a) propose a dual systems hypothesis involving dopaminergic (serotonergic) modulation of the sensitivity towards valuation of gains (losses) and provide genetic evidence in support this hypothesis using a sample of 325 Chinese subjects. Relating to (ii), Zhong et al (2009b) find association of longshot preference in the same sample with the high activity allele of MAOA, popularly known as the warrior gene. We have proceed to explore the gene-brain-behavior link for both findings. Using a subsample of 41 subjects, Zhong et al (2012) find further support of the dual systems hypothesis implicating the differential involvement of the striatum for gain oriented risk and the amygdala for loss oriented risks. Applying structural brain imaging on a subsample of 115 subjects, we find a MAOA modulated neuroanatomical circuit for longshot preference involving the gray matter volumes particularly in the left insula and the right parahippocampal gyrus. This suggests a superordinate role for anticipatory feelings underpinned by the limbic system in people’s risk attitude towards longshot risks. Subsequently, with a substantially larger sample of 3193 Chinese subjects, we investigate the extent to which our earlier findings are replicated and explore potential genetic pathways underpinning the loss-gain differentiation in risk attitude and attitude towards longshot risks.


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